Sacha Bissonnette is an Afro-Trinidadian, French Canadian short story writer from Ottawa, Canada. He is a reader for Wigleaf Top 50. His work has been nominated three times for best small fictions and twice for the pushcart prize. His story How We Were Fiction placed third in the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary competition. His stories The House Across the Street and Katie Says were selected for Wigleaf Top 50 2023 and 2024.

His work has appeared in Witness Magazine, Baltimore Review, Wigleaf, SmokeLong Quarterly, Lunch Ticket, EQMM, Trampset, Terrain, Ghost Parachute, among other places.

He is currently working on a short fiction collection as well as a comic book adaptation of one of his stories. His projects are powered by the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council. He has been selected for the 2024 Sundress Publications Residency and the winner of the 2024 Faulkner Gulf Coast Residency. He loves film, travel and comfort food and ‘tweets’ @sjohnb9